How to record a duet with yourself and with a friend in TikTok
The musical application continues to gain popularity thanks to the ability to create interesting and funny videos and post them online, where millions of viewers are able to see the creation. One of the most sought-after features was the recording of a joint clip. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out how to make a duet in TikTok..
Process details
A feature of the service is called short videos, the duration of which is limited to 15 seconds (maximum 1 minute, but without using music). The developers felt that this time is enough to get an interesting story, not too tiring the viewer. To make clips in the application, you need to master just a few functions.
Recording a shared clip.
The chip was the application for shooting various special effects:
- Filters, masks. They are superimposed on the background or on the face of the hero. It is also allowed to break the screen into parts, make a sign on the wall.
- Shade change. There are 36 options available that are available during the recording phase or during live broadcasting..
- Camera selection (front or normal).
- Video pace rotation – slow down or speed up.
- Beauty effect – eliminates various appearance defects (freckles, wrinkles).
- Trim audio tracks. The function allows you to play the selected music fragment.
- Zooming out or zooming in to zoom.
- Segments – the ability to split the recording into parts to give the movie dynamism.
The video looks unusual if you do a reverse shooting in TikTok.
Paired Performances
A duet in Tik Tok is called a joint video. In this case, the screen is split into parts, each of which contains an image of the participant. Anyone can become him, even the author himself or his pet. But the most popular videos with stars.
Application developers have made the process of creating TikTok duets as simple as possible. All the necessary buttons are on the panel, they are easy to manage. Based on who will be the companion during the shoot, the step-by-step instructions for creating it may vary slightly..
With partner
Those who wish to make a duet in Tik Tok with their friend need:
- Go to the companion’s personal page on the video.
- Find the image of three points and click on them.
- Click on “Start duet now”.
- Start recording video.
The user who decided to make a duet in has several shooting modes.
They are located at the bottom of the screen:
- select music from your phone or the web;
- to shoot with the subsequent imposition of a sound range;
- from the library.
Recording a duet with a partner.
Experienced users recommend recording in a vertical position so that the viewer is more comfortable watching the result of work.
If by the time you start filming a friend who decided to do a duet with Tik Tok isn’t online, you can create a video yourself.
To do this, on his personal page select any video you like with the participation of a friend and record a composition based on it.
The procedure in this case is as follows:
- Add the clip you like to your favorites.
- Login back to your page and open it.
- Click on the image of three points, choosing the desired function, and start shooting yourself.
- Share a new masterpiece without forgetting to mark your friend.
The benefit of recording a joint clip is obvious – a lot more people will be able to view it, as it will be displayed in the friends list of each participant in the process.
Another feature of the program is that in Musical ly it’s quite possible to make a duet with oneself. There is no special team for this, but it’s easy to make a clip after going through several stages.
First you need to create 2 different videos with the same musical arrangement, but with different actions in the frame. After that, look and edit each of the entries. Combine finished pieces with Splice to movie. The program also allows you to impose filters on clips and trim extra parts.
With any user
Tik Tok can record videos not only with your friends. A partner may be a complete stranger, for example, a popular singer or other famous person.
How to make a duet in TikTok in this case:
- Select and open a clip with the right person.
- Click on the image of three points and enable shooting.
- Choose special effects, add filters.
- Register a hashtag, publish a work.
With pet
Duet with pet.
You can even arrange a musical battle with TikTok even with a cat. To do this, find and download a clip from BANBO cat.
- To the same music to shoot your video.
- Edit the record, removing unnecessary, applying filters, combine both parts of the composition using Splice to movie.
- Register hashtags.
- Post clip online.
The collaborative video recording feature is relatively new and has only appeared since the 2018 version. Therefore, those who have it older can be offered to update the service. But there are situations when problems arise after that. The most common reason is incorrect privacy settings, due to which the recording is limited or completely unavailable.
To fix this, you need:
- Click on the half human icon.
- Click on three dots to get into the parameter settings.
- Set privacy.
- Go to the tab “Who can record a duet” and select the option you need.
The same thing must be done to another user, if this function is disabled.
Musically duet is not only fashionable, but also interesting. Having thought through a creative scenario with a friend, it’s easy to create a unique creation that will make you the stars of a social network. When recording it, absolutely all functions are available, for example, add your own music to TikTok, and effects, including masking, speeding up or slowing down, reverse shooting, and more. You can also slow down the video in TikTok.